Mind Wave Libre Collage Stickers Blue  Elevate your aesthetic with these exquisite vintage-inspired stickers crafted from delicate tracing paper and embellished with elegant foil accents.
Mind Wave Libre Collage Stickers Blue  Elevate your aesthetic with these exquisite vintage-inspired stickers crafted from delicate tracing paper and embellished with elegant foil accents.
Mind Wave Libre Collage Stickers Blue  Elevate your aesthetic with these exquisite vintage-inspired stickers crafted from delicate tracing paper and embellished with elegant foil accents.
Mind Wave Libre Collage Stickers Blue  Elevate your aesthetic with these exquisite vintage-inspired stickers crafted from delicate tracing paper and embellished with elegant foil accents.

Mind Wave Libre Collage Stickers Blue

Alennushinta€3,50 EUR

Sisältää verot. Toimituskulut lasketaan kassalla


Mind Wave Libre Collage -tarrat

Kauniit vintagehenkiset tarrat, joissa kultafoilattuja yksityiskohtia. Tarroilla koristelet kalenterit, kirjeet, kortit ja muut paperiaskarteluprojektit.

Arkin mitat n. 202 x 95mm

Tehty Japanissa

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