Kokuyo Jibun Techo 2025 DAYs A5 Slim Yellow
Kokuyo Jibun Techo 2025 Days A5 Slim Yellow planner
The newest addition to the JIBUN TECHO, the DAYs planner is the only daily planner in the lineup. With a unique and versatile format, the DAYs offers an easy, fun way to plan and record your days.
- The DAYs planner switched from a six-month to a whole-year format
- Size A5 Slim = 217×136mm
- Lay-flat binding makes all parts of the page equally easy to write on.
- KOKUYO’s own specially-developed THIN paper is used. Despite being thin and lightweight, it is more resistant to show-through
- Calendar has 216 pages
- New design lets you keep two separate logs side by side, such as your work and family schedules, or your to-do list and life log.
- PVC-cover
Included are
- 3-year calendar
- Yearly schedule
- My dream for this year
- This year’s events
- 100 wishes list
- Free list
- Monthly schedule
- Monthly project
- Daily page
- Looking back on this year
- Notes
Kokuyo presents a unique approach to planners with the Jibun Techo. Rather than being limited to a single calendar year, the Jibun Techo is designed to last your whole life. In Japanese, "jibun" (ジブン) means "myself" and "techo" (手帳) means planner. True to its name, this planner system is customizable to your lifestyle and needs.