Kokuyo Jibun Techo2025 Lite A5 Slim Beige
Kokuyo Jibun Techo Lite A5 Slim Beige 2025
The Jibun Techo Lite is a simplified version of the Jibun Techo Diary.
It features the weekly vertical pages with 24 hour timeline, Gantt chart and just the necessary pages to manage your time and projects.
- Size A5 Slim = H210×W130mm
- The polyurethane cover is soft to touch
- The planner uses lightweight and low-show-through THIN paper, specially developed for the JIBUN TECHO
- Calendar has 96 pages
- Monthly log & habit tracker
- Free lists for you to customize how you need to
- Lite calendar has a soft-touch polyurethane cover
Included are
- 24 hour vertical weekly schedule
- Monthly block schedule and projects
- 2-year calendar
- Yearly schedule
- My dream of this year
- Free list
Looking back on this year
Kokuyo presents a unique approach to planners with the Jibun Techo. Rather than being limited to a single calendar year, the Jibun Techo is designed to last your whole life. In Japanese, "jibun" (ジブン) means "myself" and "techo" (手帳) means planner. True to its name, this planner system is customizable to your lifestyle and needs.